One year ago....
I was just thinking about what I was doing a year ago. I was pregnant. In fact, May 29th was my due date. It was graduation season and the preparations for summer were beginning. The weekend before Cordelia was born, we had a high school graduation party for two of Nate's cousins (Alicia and Tyler) and I was bemoaning the fact that I didn't have a swimsuit to wear around my ginormous belly. As most people who know me know, I love swimming. But alas, I was stuck on the sidelines. Cecily at the time was just getting over her "water is scary" stage and she had a great time swimming with Grammie.
Another enjoyable part of the evening was having people tell me "tricks" to go into labor. Nope they didn't work, that was OK, if I had gone into labor that weekend, I would have had the on-call doctor that didn't do VBACs. It was for the best. I wouldn't have that much longer to wait to have her anyway.
I guess I have been feeling pretty nostalgic the last couple days as I have been going through and getting rid of some old baby things. I just don't feel like I will be having another girl any time soon, so I am not too worried about getting rid of stuff. Of course, I am keeping a lot, but only about a third of what I did have stored. That is good because we don't have a lot of room. I can't believe that my little babies are not going to be babies again. Cordelia is just about a toddler and has thrown a few tantrums in the last few days (good grief!). Cecily will turn 3 later this year and it's just happening much faster than I ever thought it would.
I am grateful for this last year, I wouldn't trade having my two girls growing up together for anything. I love them so much, despite how aggravating they can get.
Now, I am thinking of all those graduates and kids growing up. Next week, my first nephew, Stephen, will be graduating from middle school (er, promoted to high school). I can't believe how old he is. I will always think of him as that sweet curly haired boy, but someday I suppose I will have to face the fact that he is a teenager and almost high school student. How crazy is life?