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Thursday, May 29, 2008

One year ago....

I was just thinking about what I was doing a year ago. I was pregnant. In fact, May 29th was my due date. It was graduation season and the preparations for summer were beginning. The weekend before Cordelia was born, we had a high school graduation party for two of Nate's cousins (Alicia and Tyler) and I was bemoaning the fact that I didn't have a swimsuit to wear around my ginormous belly. As most people who know me know, I love swimming. But alas, I was stuck on the sidelines. Cecily at the time was just getting over her "water is scary" stage and she had a great time swimming with Grammie.

Another enjoyable part of the evening was having people tell me "tricks" to go into labor. Nope they didn't work, that was OK, if I had gone into labor that weekend, I would have had the on-call doctor that didn't do VBACs. It was for the best. I wouldn't have that much longer to wait to have her anyway.

I guess I have been feeling pretty nostalgic the last couple days as I have been going through and getting rid of some old baby things. I just don't feel like I will be having another girl any time soon, so I am not too worried about getting rid of stuff. Of course, I am keeping a lot, but only about a third of what I did have stored. That is good because we don't have a lot of room. I can't believe that my little babies are not going to be babies again. Cordelia is just about a toddler and has thrown a few tantrums in the last few days (good grief!). Cecily will turn 3 later this year and it's just happening much faster than I ever thought it would.

I am grateful for this last year, I wouldn't trade having my two girls growing up together for anything. I love them so much, despite how aggravating they can get.

Now, I am thinking of all those graduates and kids growing up. Next week, my first nephew, Stephen, will be graduating from middle school (er, promoted to high school). I can't believe how old he is. I will always think of him as that sweet curly haired boy, but someday I suppose I will have to face the fact that he is a teenager and almost high school student. How crazy is life?


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blogging About Blogging...

So, I haven't thought of anything good to blog about recently, maybe my life really is that boring or I just can't think of anything funny or wise or insightful to say. I come on here almost everyday, secretly hoping that someone has made a comment, or that I will have a brilliant idea for a blog, but no, neither of those things are happening. I know people are visiting here and hopefully reading it and watching that silly Onion video, but it feels like my blog is stagnating.

I was talking with some lovely ladies at playgroup yesterday (who are also fellow bloggers) and revealed that yes, I am a blog stalker. I read blogs of people I don't even know or I barely know. I try to keep a low profile, I suppose that that is the voyeur in me working. I thought that maybe this was contributing to my own lack of blogging. I see others that are clever and interesting and I don't think mine measures up. That may be my own insecurities talking, but I am sure input would be helpful (ie: cmments!).

If only I could get more people who do know me reading my blog, or starting one of their own. Isn't that half the fun of the blogosphere?

OK, enough ramblings for now!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

more cat


Thursday, May 22, 2008

The No-Food Diet Worked For Me!

Just another reason to love the Onion:

Diet Book Author Advocates New 'No Food Diet'


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

No Scissors Are Safe!

Cecily found a pair of scissors from a sewing kit (you know, those fold up ones) and then proceeded to cut her hair! Thankfully, it wasn't much and is not really noticeable! But I will now have to keep tabs on our scissors!

PS. She may get this from me:

PPS. I think I am all caught up on the blogging front! Woohoo!


Happy Birthday, Nate!

Sunday was Nate's 26th birthday! I am sorry I didn't post this the day of, but I am sure he will still love me despite that!

I just wanted to thank him for being such a great husband and friend to me and a wonderful father to our children! They really adore him!

Some other pictures of the event!
Cordelia "helping" with the corn!
Cecily helping with candles!
Emily and Cordelia
Cordelia's done for the day!

Happy Birthday and happy 27th year my dear! I love you!


Cinco de Mayo!

Nate and I made some pinatas for the Cinco de Mayo party at his work. They only broke one, so we are saving the gorilla for Cordelia's birthday!
Here's the donkey:


Cecily Goes Pastoral!

So, a few weeks ago, Eliza and I took the girlies to the California Poppy Reserve which is a little outside of Lancaster. Cecily is always excited to go somewhere with her Aunt Weeza!

I don't have too much of a story, but I do have lots of pictures!

Just outside the reserve, there were some sheep grazing and we decided to take some pictures of Cecily. Cordelia slept in the car!
What trip wouldn't be complete without Cecily breaking the law?
At the reserve:
Cecily didn't want to go back!
It was very windy!

The poppies were awesome this year, as were many other wildflowers. It's been a pleasure this spring to see!


Saturday, May 3, 2008

How many countries can you name?




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